sac chanel django | Django channel routing



In the world of web development, creating real-time applications has become increasingly popular. Users expect seamless and instant updates, especially in applications where multiple users are interacting simultaneously. Django Channels, an extension of the Django web framework, allows developers to build real-time applications using WebSockets. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Django Channels to create a real-time application that updates a list of users as they log in and out.

Django Channels Tutorial

Django Channels is a powerful tool that enables developers to handle WebSockets and other asynchronous protocols in Django applications. By integrating Channels into our Django project, we can create real-time features such as chat applications, notifications, and live updates.

To get started with Django Channels, we first need to install the necessary packages. We can do this using pip:


pip install channels

pip install channels-redis

Next, we need to configure our Django project to use Channels. We can do this by adding 'channels' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in our file:





Django Channel Settings

After installing the required packages and adding 'channels' to our INSTALLED_APPS, we need to configure our Django project to use Channels. This involves setting up a routing configuration that determines how incoming WebSocket connections are handled.

In our project directory, we need to create a file where we define the routing configuration:


from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter

from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack

from django.urls import path

from myapp.consumers import UserConsumer

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({

'websocket': AuthMiddlewareStack(


path('ws/users/', UserConsumer),



In this configuration, we define a WebSocket route that maps incoming WebSocket connections to a consumer class that handles the connection.

Python Django Channels Setup

With the routing configuration in place, we can now create the consumer class that will handle WebSocket connections in our Django application. Consumers are Python classes that define how to handle different types of WebSocket messages.

Let's create a file in our Django app directory and define a UserConsumer class:


import json

from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer

class UserConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):

def connect(self):

# Code to handle connection

def disconnect(self, close_code):

# Code to handle disconnection

def receive(self, text_data):

# Code to handle incoming messages

In the UserConsumer class, we can define methods to handle the connection, disconnection, and incoming messages from the WebSocket. We can update our list of users as they log in and out by broadcasting messages to all connected clients.

Django Channel Routing

Routing in Django Channels is crucial for handling WebSocket connections and routing them to the appropriate consumer class. The routing configuration we defined earlier specifies how incoming WebSocket connections should be handled.

In our file, we defined a WebSocket route '/ws/users/' that maps to the UserConsumer class. When a client connects to this route, the UserConsumer's connect method is called, allowing us to perform any necessary setup actions.

Real Python Django Channels

Real Python Django Channels are a powerful combination for building real-time applications that require live updates and interactions. By using Django Channels, we can leverage the power of WebSockets to create seamless user experiences.

In our tutorial, we demonstrated how to set up Django Channels in a Django project, configure routing to handle WebSocket connections, create a consumer class to handle WebSocket messages, and update a list of users in real-time as they log in and out.

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